10th Franco-German Business Day

Date: November 4, 2024

Location: Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Berlin

Innovation and Competitiveness for a Strong European Economy

In partnership with French Tech Berlin

Program (Subject to change)

12:00 PM: Standing reception and networking

1:00 PM: Welcome speeches

  • Guy Maugis, President of the French-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK France)
  • Peter Adrian, President of the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK)
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Russwurm, President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI)

1:15 PM: Ministers’ addresses

  • Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • Marc Ferracci, French Minister Delegate for Industry (invited)

Showcase: Presentation and discussion on a successful bilateral research cooperation*

  • Prof. Holger Hanselka, President of the Fraunhofer Society
  • François Jacq, General Director of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

2:00 PM: Economic overview

  • Petra Justenhoven, PwC, Spokeswoman of the Board of Management at PwC Germany, Chairwoman of the Management Board at PwC Europe

2:10 PM: Geopolitical spotlight – Overview of foreign relations and their impact on the economic situation

  • Laurence Boone, Former French Minister Delegate for European Affairs (invited)
  • Dr. Claudia Major, Head of the Security Policy Research Group – German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
  • Susanne Wiegand, CEO of RENK Group AG

3:00 PM: Break and networking

3:30 PM: Fireside chat on the energy transition

4:00 PM: Economic and innovation spotlight – How competitive is Europe in the international arena?

  • Prof. Irene Bertschek, Head of the Research Department Digital Economy at ZEW Mannheim, Deputy Chairwoman of the Expert Commission for Research & Innovation
  • Gilles Le Van, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Air Liquide
  • René Obermann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Airbus SE

5:00 PM: Innovation & Technology spotlight – New technologies to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness

  • Keynote on the importance of technology: Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Business Executive
  • Jonas Andrulis, CEO and Founder, Aleph Alpha
  • Nicole Büttner, CEO and Founder, Merantix Momentum
  • Prof. Holger Hanselka, President of the Fraunhofer Society
  • Hélène Huby, CEO and Co-Founder, The Exploration Company
  • François Jacq, General Director of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
  • Florence Moreau, CTO and Founder, Incepto Medical

6:00 PM: Closing remarks: Edouard Philippe, Former Prime Minister of France

Estimated end around 6:20 PM – Moderated by Isabelle Körner, Business Journalist and News Anchor at ntv

The cooperation agreement signed on May 27, 2024, between the CEA and the Fraunhofer Society aims to intensify collaboration in the fields of microelectronics and quantum technology, particularly within the framework of the EU Chips Act, and to strengthen joint research activities in the field of “Heterogeneous System Integration” to enhance Europe’s competitiveness in these key technologies.

More info: https://www.journeedeleconomie.fr/

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